Cole appears to be very different from what fans remember of him, according to The Young and the Restless (Y&R).
Even though Cole has been “nice” on the outside, viewers notice how shady he has been acting, and it does appear like he is up to something sketchy.
First of all, why, after all was said and done, did he feel the need to go to the lake house and take Claire’s DNA sample?
Supporters have questioned this action because it appears he used a hairbrush that was probably used with Nikki’s hair on it on purpose.
Cole has also been reticent and has kept his words to himself. Cole would want to say as little as possible to avoid raising suspicions if he was phoning.
He seems a little too “good” to be true in certain aspects. The mustache has his sights set on Cole after they recently met at the ranch.
Viewers get the impression that Victor does not trust Victoria’s ex for whatever reason and that he dislikes having her around.
Even more intriguing is the fact that Cole told Victoria a different account of his encounter with Victor over coffee later in the day.
Is he up to no good, or is it that he does not want to raise any eyebrows? Going back to the lake house nightmare, viewers watched Cole enter the house and, about an episode later, watch as Claire and Jordan dragged him outside to join Nick, Victor, and Victoria in the living room.
From Oxford to Genoa City
Cole looked rough and seemed to be under the influence of drugs, but who is to say Jordan did not replace Cole with a fake?
Claire is not aware of this, but Jordan might have expected them to be discovered. Like the others, she most likely gave Cole imposter the poison because she knew that if she managed to axe the other, she would give him the counter-dosage.
This whole thing could be set up with the Cole imposter planted as a fallback.
However, given how frequently his mother and aunt’s mental health histories are discussed, it is also plausible that Cole inherited the same problems.
He has been out of Genoa City for a short while, so who is to say he has not been crushing on Vicky the whole time? Cole claims to be taking a break from Oxford University to write a book, but how can fans be sure that is the case?
His mental illness may have contributed to his termination from the company for acting excessively.
Read Also – The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers: Victor, Cole, and the Shadows of History