Sofia Richie announces her secret business venture, her clothing line

Kelly Taylor

Sofia Richie Grainge has been in talks this year, first for her grand French wedding, then for becoming the face of a fashion luxury brand.

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Sofia has been in talks lately

Sofia is again in the spotlight as she announces her clothing line.

Sofia announces clothing line

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Sofia is known for her flawless fashion sense. She was last in the spotlight for her three Chanel wedding gowns, which looked gorgeous.

Her wedding was sensational this year

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There's a secretive endeavor that Sofia and her crew have spent months carefully planning out, which is already in the process.

Secretive endeavor

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She mentioned that she's developing a new clothing brand in a recent "24 Hours with Sofia Richie Grainge" Vogue video, which aired on Tuesday.

Clothing line mentioned in Vogue

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In a meeting with fashion designer Cassandra Hobbins and her agent, Adee Drexler, at 11:00 a.m., she revealed the news.

Meeting with Cassandra Hobbins

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She responds inquiringly, "It's top secret-ish?, but we are creating this wonderful clothing company that shows how I feel dressed.”

Sofia elaborates

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The line is likely to reflect the cashmere-heavy, neutral look that she's lately gained fame for, as seen with her staff perusing fabric swatches.

Likely to use cashmere in clothing

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As the clothing line is still developing, not much has been revealed regarding the brand, types of clothes, or launch dates.

Not much is revealed yet

Source: Getty Images

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