Mitch McConnell, the Senate GOP leader, seems frozen between speech

Kelly Taylor

Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Senate's Republican party, halted his speech mid-sentence on Wednesday and abruptly exited his own press conference.

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McConnel halted

In January, McConnell, who was first elected to the Senate in 1984, surpassed all previous Senate party leaders in terms of tenure.

First election

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McConnell walked up to the platform for his weekly press conference and started talking about the floor's yearly defense bill. But after that, he seemed to lose his focus.

McConnell lost focus

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He seemed to have frozen, and for 20 seconds he was standing still. Then his colleagues grabbed his elbow and asked if he wanted to go back to the office.

McConnell seemed frozen

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He made a slower retreat back to his office alongside an assistant and Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, a former orthopedic physician and the third-ranking Republican in the Senate.

Returned to office

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McConnell left his office for a while before returning to the news conference to respond to queries from the media.

Back to conference

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When asked what occurred, McConnell replied, "I'm OK." When asked if he could still perform his duties, he responded, "Yes"

McConnell said he is okay

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A McConnell insider claimed to have felt dizzy and taken a brief break. The insider spoke about the senator's health while speaking anonymously.

McConnell felt dizzy

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After a fall and head injury earlier this year, McConnell, 81, lost roughly six weeks of Senate work. His office stated that he had a rib fracture and a concussion.

He had a concussion

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Since McConnell’s head injury, everybody seems worried for him, but he is doing well now and hopefully will keep doing well in the future.

McConnell is fine now

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