9-1-1: Lone Star is an American television procedural drama series that centers on the Austin, Texas-based fictional company 126’s fire, police, and ambulance departments. Tim Minear, Brad Falchuk, and Ryan Murphy created it for Fox. Fox ordered the series in May 2019. It is a spin-off of the American procedural drama television series 9-1-1.
Fox renewed the show for a fourth season in May 2022, which premiered on January 24, 2023. In May 2023, the series was renewed for a fifth season, with the premiere delayed until the fall of 2024 due to the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike.
What happened to 911 Lone Star?
Season 5 of “9-1-1: Lone Star” was pushed back due to the ongoing impact of strikes on the broadcast.
Fox has decided not to include its two highest-rated drama series from 2022–2023 in its schedule for 2023–2024.
May saw the announcement of the flagship 9-1-1’s transfer to ABC. Fox announced in May that the spinoff 9-1-1: Lone Star, which was renewed for a fifth season, would not be getting new episodes this spring. The double Hollywood strikes have affected 9-1-1: Lone Star just like they have any other linear or streaming series.
To accommodate 9-1-1: Lone Star repeats, the network rearranged its fall schedule early in September, moving I Can See Your Voice, an unscripted competition series. This move was made to keep the show running and to use the reruns as a prelude to the series return after the dual strikes ended.
Lone Star is a big-scope, big-budget drama that, like the Mothership 9-1-1 series, requires a significant amount of VFX work during pre- and post-production. Due to time and financial constraints, the November end of the strike-related production shutdown largely ruled out a meaningful 10- to 13-episode season to fit within the confines of the 2023-24 broadcast season.
After the mothership first responder series, Fox’s most-watched and second-highest-rated drama during the previous season was 9-1-1: Lone Star. The series stars Lowe, Gina Torres, Ronen Rubinstein, Sierra McClain, Jim Parrack, Natacha Karam, Rafael Silva, Brian Michael Smith, Julian Works, and Brianna Baker, along with Kelsey and Skyler Yates.
Is 9-1-1 on Netflix?
Netflix airs Glee, American Crime Story, American Horror Story, and Pose. The contracts, however, never applied to 9-1-1, and 9-1-1 and its spinoff, Lone Star, are only accessible on Hulu.