Desmond Doss emerges as an amazing person in the story of two brothers during World War II, a conscientious objector, and ardent Seventh-Day Adventist who served as a combat medic in the United States Army, dedicated to saving lives without carrying a weapon.
Harold Doss, his brother, chooses a different course.
The plot takes an unexpected turn when the USS Lindsey is attacked by Japanese kamikaze jets, causing Harold to be wrongly reported as a fatality.
This fascinating story delves into faith, family, and the opposing roles these two brothers played in a war-torn globe.
Desmond Doss: Who is he?
Desmond Thomas Doss was a remarkable man who served as a corporal in the United States Army during World War II. His unusual function as a combat doctor inside an infantry unit distinguishes him.
Doss was more than simply a doctor; he was a conscientious objector and a Seventh-Day Adventist. His profound religious views and personal values barred him from carrying a weapon or taking the life of another individual.
Regardless, Doss was resolved to contribute to the war effort in a way that was consistent with his values.
He joined the Army to save rather than take lives. Some of his fellow troops and supervisors, who saw him as a liability in warfare, were skeptical, if not hostile, to his decision.
Who is Desmond Doss brother?
Harold Doss, Desmond Doss’s brother, performed a different but vital part in World War II. Harold had a different military experience than Desmond, who served as a combat medic in the United States Army. Harold was a sailor on the USS Lindsey.
During The Second World War, the USS Lindsey was a Naval force warship, particularly a destroyer escort transport.
These boats were worked to protect greater naval force vessels from submarine attacks and different risks, for example, a plane carrying warships and supply caravans.
What happened to Desmond Doss’ brother?
Harold Doss, dissimilar to his depiction in “Hacksaw Edge,” experienced no war zone wounds during his tactical help. He proceeded to have an effective nonmilitary personnel life in West Virginia.
He established Doss Ventures, a development firm arranged in Jane Lew, to help the nearby economy. He stayed an unwavering individual from the Martinsburg Seventh-Day Adventist Church until he died in 2007 at 84 years old, very much like the film’s hero, Desmond Doss.
Harold Doss’ inheritance lives on through his enduring kids, grandchildren, and extraordinary grandkids, exhibiting his devotion to family values and ability to carry on with a fruitful life away from the war zone.
This genuine story remains in sharp contrast to his dramatic depiction of his part in “Hacksaw Edge.”
Remarkable Journeys of Desmond and Harold Doss
Desmond Doss’ unmistakable perspective on peacefulness, which was key to the occasions of “Hacksaw Edge,” was vigorously influenced by his childhood as a Seventh-Day Adventist with his sibling, Harold Doss.
Desmond’s mom’s profound religion imparted in him a colossal respect forever and a reluctance to convey a gun.
Harold’s differentiated intensity is presented for instance.
Desmond’s unflinching dedication to peacefulness, as well as his trying endeavors as a specialist in the combat zone, saving different lives without the utilization of a weapon, exhibit the strength of confidence and conviction despite the difficulty, making his story one of incredible boldness and moral strength.
Desmond Doss’ solid dedication to peacefulness, in light of his exacting comprehension of God’s Edicts, is introduced in “Hacksaw Edge.”
This view, established in a youth episode wherein he unintentionally hurt his sibling, Harold, made him not touch a gun or end a day-to-day existence, even despite a court-military and maltreatment from individual soldiers.
Desmond’s decision to serve as a medic was affected further by Harold’s membership in the Army without family authorization, emphasizing the significant significance of family and faith in his decisions during World War II.
In the film “Hacksaw Ridge,” Harold Doss is portrayed in full Army uniform shortly after enrolling. Harold Doss, on the other hand, joined the Navy.
According to, he served in the Navy in both Europe and the Pacific. He served on the USS Lindsey during the engagements of Iwo Jima and Okinawa in 1945.
Unfortunately, the USS Lindsey was severely damaged by Japanese kamikaze bombers in April 1945, and Harold Doss was wrongly identified as one of the Marines killed in action during that episode.