Almost two years ago, the first season of Ryan Murphy’s Monsters series arrived on Netflix, chronicling the crimes of notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. The creator, best known for the likes of American Horror Story and Scream Queens, is no stranger to creating excellent content.
On Thursday, Sept. 19, season two landed on the streamer, this time taking us into the world of the Menendez brothers, Lyle and Erik. The young men supposedly suffered abuse at the hands of their father, Jose, even though they appeared to have grown up in a picture-perfect wealthy family.
Why Lyle does not have any hair is currently one of the most common queries from viewers.
We will discuss this topic in today’s article.
What happened to Lyles hair?
Lyle tells Erik that stress causes him to lose his hair. Jose got him a toupee to cover up the damage.
Lyle Menendez did wear hairpieces, something he admitted to in his court testimony. Five days before the brothers’ murder of their parents, Menendez claimed during his testimony that he and his mother fought over it.
He told the questioning attorney that the argument “definitely at one point had something to do with my hairpiece,” and alleged his mother was “out of control, flailing her arms and screaming” during the fight.
He explained how he put on the hairpiece and applied it to his skin using solvent glue. In his testimony, he said that his mother was hurt when she tore it off because “this blue chemical” is the proper way to do it.
“My sibling was unaware that I wore a hairpiece,” he claimed. “I felt ashamed in my brother’s presence.”
Subsequently, he stated in court that he started losing hair at the age of 14, and his father had recommended the toupee.
Although testimony and “The Menendez Murders” suggest Menendez was more likely going through thinning at the time rather than being completely bald on top of his head, the Netflix series depicted Menendez as having been nearly completely bald on top of his head by this point in his life.
Was Monsters’ Lyle Menendez bald?
Although Lyle Menendez had no hair, he did have thinning hair.
As viewers noticed that Menendez’s character on the show looked noticeably different, the rumors surrounding his hair became quite popular. He has premature hair thinning in Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, so to keep a fuller appearance, he must wear a toupée.
According to Robert Rand’s book The Menendez Brothers, the real Lyle Menendez started to thin out at the top before he enrolled at Princeton University.