“The Bold and the Beautiful” is a popular American long-running series that has aired on CBS since 1987. The series follows the lives and loves of the wealthy Forrester family and their fashion empire in Los Angeles.
One of the main characters on the show is Ridge Forrester, the oldest son of Eric and Stephanie Forrester and the heir to the Forrester Creations fashion empire.
The Real Ridge Forrester!
Do you want to know who the real Ridge Forrester is? Who really portrayed the role?
The character Ridge Forrester on the soap opera, The Bold And The Beautiful, was played by Ronn Mass from the year of 1987 to 2012.
I guess no one will forget him. Currently, the role is portrayed by Thorsten Kaye, who joined the cast in 2013.
The Life Of Ridge Forrester In The Bold And The Beautiful!
Ridge is a talented fashion designer who has been involved in many of the show’s major storylines over the years.
He is known for his charismatic personality, good looks, and passion for his work. He is often at odds with his brother Thorne over the direction of the company and the women in their lives.
Throughout the series, Ridge has had several high-profile relationships, including a long-time romance with Brooke Logan, the mother of his son, R.J.
The two have had an on-again, off-again relationship with many twists and turns along the way. Ridge has also been involved with a number of other women, including Taylor Hayes, a neurosurgeon, and Caroline Spencer, his stepdaughter.
Ridge has also been involved in many business-related conflicts, especially with his father, Eric, and his brother, Thorne, over the leadership and direction of Forrester Creations, the family business.
What Is More?
Despite all of his personal and professional struggles, Ridge remains a central figure on “The Bold and the Beautiful” and a beloved character among fans of the show.
He continues to be a major force within the Forrester family and their fashion empire, and it is likely that his presence will continue to be felt for many years to come.
As of my knowledge, cut off in 2021, the series is ongoing, so it is possible that Ridge’s character will see new development and a new storyline in the upcoming episodes or seasons.
What are your opinions on this ever-loved Ridge Forrester?
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I have watched since the show began. There is no Ridge except Ronn Moss. I understand Ronn Moss made the decision that was best for him, which was leaving the show. At least I have quit calling the current actor “Imposter Ridge”.